How to Apply For Wageningen University Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP)

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation application form | How to Apply Online.

All Eligible and Interested applicants may apply online for the Wageningen University Africa Scholarship before the application deadline.

The Wageningen University & Research 2022 Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP) for young African Students (Fully Funded to Wageningen, The Netherlands) application form, requirements, eligibility, application guidelines, application deadline-closing date, and other opportunities updates are published here on for free.

Wageningen University Africa Scholarship Application Instruction

  • The Wageningen University Africa Scholarship application is totally free of charge
  • Don’t send anyone money for this opportunity.
  • Beware of Fraudsters!!!!
  • Subscribe to our notification list with your email to receive the Latest Opportunities Update.

Details of Wageningen University Africa Scholarship.

The Wageningen University Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP) offers talented and motivated students from Africa the unique opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree at Wageningen University and to support capacity building in Africa.

Eligibility Requirements

1. You are a citizen of an African country

2. You are an excellent student with a First class honours degree or a GPA of 80% or higher in a Bachelor degree

3. You have applied for one the master’s programmes of Wageningen University & Research before 3 January 2022. For the MSc application please see: How can I apply for the master’s programme? (Non EU/EFTA)

If you do not meet one of the above requirements, you are not eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme and you will not be invited for the selection procedure.


  • Travel to and from Wageningen
  • Living allowance for the duration of the programme (24 months)
  • Tuition fee coverage for the duration of the programme (24 months)
  • Visa costs and costs for health insurance
  • A budget for one seminar in Europe (travel, stay, registration fee)
  • A budget for participation in the ‘reach your full potential programme’


  • 3 January 2022: Deadline to apply for an MSc programme
  • 15 March 2022: Invitation of selected candidates to take part in the further selection process (approx. 60 candidates will be selected)
  • 30 March 2022: Deadline of the assignment
  • 11 April 2022: Decision about Skype interviews communicated (approx. 20 candidates will be interviewed)
  • 18 April – 29 April 2022: Skype interviews
  • 16 May 2022: Results of the selection process communicated

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the Wageningen University & Research 2022 Africa Scholarship Programme

However, if you have any Feeling regarding the Wageningen University Africa Scholarship applicationPlease kindly DROP A COMMENT below and we will respond to it as soon as possible.

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